Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Friday's Agripop Talk
01 February 2013 - 11:30 - Salle Ragondin
Landscape heterogeneity influences on farmland birds abundance
Paul Miguet
keywords: crop diversity, landscape composition, landscape configuration, farmland birds, multimodel inference.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

CEBC Journal Club

Upcoming Journal Club

Monday 28 January @ 13:30

Get a fresh start into the week! Ronan Marrec will present a paper by Luc Barbaro and Inge van Halder (2009):

Linking bird, carabid beetle and butterfly life-history traits to habitat fragmentation in mosaic landscapes.Ecography 32: 321 -333. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2008.05546.x 

To get the paper and all details go to our journal club site: 

See you there! 

(pics downloaded from and Wikipedia for the carabid beetle)

Friday, 25 January 2013

Today's talk

An evaluation of the surrogate species approach to increase the economical effectiveness of monitoring programs
Luca Börger


Conservationists often have to obtain information and manage species or habitats which are difficult and expensive to survey. The surrogate species concept (and related ones such as umbrella or indicator species) are appealing approaches for this task. A further extension of these approaches are so-called coarse-filter approaches, where habitats/vegetation types or ecological communities are used as surrogates for the species or species assemblages (Wiens et al. 2008). 

The usefulness and applicability of these concepts is, however, highly contentious (Cushman et al. 2010; Favreau et al. 2006; Hager et al. 2006; Hamilton et al. 2012; Murphy et al. 2011; Roberge and Angelstam 2004; Stark et al. 2012), with a recent review concluding that there likely is merit to these concepts as conservation tactic but additional empirical testing will be necessary (Branton & Richardson 2011). Specifically, it is necessary (i) to evaluate how best to detect and quantify the co-occurrence patterns, (ii) quantify the spatio-temporal bounds and transferability of these relationships, and (iii) investigate if there are also differences between survey types (Lindenmayer & Likens 2011; Quinn et al. 2011). 

I address these issues for waterbird species in the boreal forest of Ontario, by developing new approaches, applied to large scale bird survey data in the Ontario Shield ecozone. Time permitting, I will show also ongoing work applied to bird communities in agricultural areas.

Monday, 21 January 2013

AgriPop seminar schedule winter/spring 2013

Speakers for the AgriPop seminars winter/spring 2013
Venue: Salle Ragondin
Time: 11:30

11 January 

Speaker: Hélène Deraison
Title: Effects of grasshoppers on plant community structure - a functional traits approach (preliminary results)

18 January 
Speaker: Kevin Lerest
Title: When should we use zero-inflated models in Ecology?


25 January 
Speaker: Luca Börger & Reunion echange
Title: An evaluation of the surrogate species approach to increase the economical effectiveness of monitoring programs


01 February
Speaker: Paul Miguet 
Title: Landscape heterogeneity influences on farmland birds abundance


08 February
Speaker: Fabrice Requier
Title: The oilseed crop phenology influences life history traits of honey bees in intensive farmland landscapes

15 February
External speaker:  Andrea Santangeli
Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Finland
Title: Assessing the effectiveness of different  approaches to species conservation

22 February
Speaker: Gaetane Le Provost: Relations plantes-criquets en milieu agricole: étude de l'abondance des criquets par une approche "traits fonctionnels"
Klervi Tocze: Aspects temporels de la structuration des communautés adventices
Master student (M2) project presentations 

01 March
Speaker: Ronan Marrec
Title: Scale-dependant influences on ground beetle Poecilus cupreus populations in an agricultural landscape

08 March
Speaker: Vincent Tolon & Reunion echange
Title: Spatial depletion models highlight distribution rules of foraging sea ducks

15 March
Speaker: Adriana Iglesias
Title: Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Procellariidae family

21 March @ 11:30 (note change of day!)

Speaker: Laura Henckel
Title: Les processus structurant les communautés de passereaux dans les agro-écosystèmes, part des facteurs stochastiques, de l'environnement et des interactions biotiques

Laura Henckel & Paul Miguet
Title: Landscape selection method minimizing the correlation between landscape factors. Implementation in a mid-western France farmland

22 March
2 Invited Speakers! (note change of time and venue - Salle seminaire)
14:00 Dr. Johan Kotze
(University of Helsinki, Finland)
Title: Influence of edge effects between urban and forest areas on carabid beetle communities

15:00 Dr. Eric Petit
(UMR Ecobio, University of Rennes, France)
Title: Distances de dispersion: patrons, causes possibles, et quelques conséquences

29 March
11:00 (Salle seminaire!)
Invited Speaker: Dr. David Bohan
(UMR 1347 Agroécologie, Pôle Ecologie des Communautés et Durabilité de Systèmes Agricoles, 
INRA Dijon, France)
Title: Learning trophic networks : apprehending patterns and generalities from real data

15:30 -- Speaker: Lindy Mary Corredores Hurtado
Title: Bees and their landscape: mapping the distribution of floral resources in agricultural landscapes and their use by wild bees
(M2 project presentation)

05 April
Speaker: Nicolas Gross & Reunion echange
Title: Musings on community ecology by a lonely plant ecologist stuck in the forest of Chizé: Can we infer process from pattern?

12 April: No seminars this week!

19 April
Speaker: Pierrick Devoucoux
Title: From habitat use to habitat selection: which key factors drive breeding little bustard distribution in a high density context in Southern France

26 April: No talks this week!


03 May
Speakers: Gaetane Le ProvostKlervi Tocze; Aurélie Dupeyron
11:00 - 12:30 Salle Ragondin
(Master student project presentations)

10 May -- No talks this week.

17 May
Speaker: Remi Perrone
(Pôle GEAPSI, UMR Agroecologie, INRA Dijon, France)
Title: Structuration fonctionnelle des communautés adventices en grandes cultures
11:30 - 12:30

24 May
Speaker: Pascal Monestiez
Title: Modèles statistiques pour données issues des sciences participatives
11:30 Salle seminaire
followed by Reunion echange

31 May
Invited Speaker: Prof. James Bullock  
(Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK)
Note change of time & room: 11:00 Salle seminair 
Title: Managing and restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes

07 June
Invited Speaker: Prof. Arpat Ozgul 
(Institute of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Title: Coupled dynamics of traits and populations in response to environmental change
Note change of time & room: 11:00 Salle seminair

Graduate Student presentation: Ronan Marrec
Title: Dynamique d’occupation des habitats par un Coléoptère carabique dominant des paysages agricoles d’ouest de la France : Poecilus cupreus
14:00 Salle Ragondin

14 June  
Master student presentation: Gaetane Le Provost
11:30 Salle Ragondin

21 June
Sylvie Houte & Reunion echange
Title: TBA
10:00 - 11:00 Salle Ragondin

Invited Speaker: Dr. Yann Clough
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Göttingen (D)
Title: Biodiversity in smallholder cacao:  biological conservation and ecosystem services 
11:00 - 12:00 Salle seminaire

28 June
Speakers: Lindy Mary Corredores Hurtado; Yoanna
Master student projects -- final presentations