Monday, 21 January 2013

AgriPop seminar schedule winter/spring 2013

Speakers for the AgriPop seminars winter/spring 2013
Venue: Salle Ragondin
Time: 11:30

11 January 

Speaker: Hélène Deraison
Title: Effects of grasshoppers on plant community structure - a functional traits approach (preliminary results)

18 January 
Speaker: Kevin Lerest
Title: When should we use zero-inflated models in Ecology?


25 January 
Speaker: Luca Börger & Reunion echange
Title: An evaluation of the surrogate species approach to increase the economical effectiveness of monitoring programs


01 February
Speaker: Paul Miguet 
Title: Landscape heterogeneity influences on farmland birds abundance


08 February
Speaker: Fabrice Requier
Title: The oilseed crop phenology influences life history traits of honey bees in intensive farmland landscapes

15 February
External speaker:  Andrea Santangeli
Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Finland
Title: Assessing the effectiveness of different  approaches to species conservation

22 February
Speaker: Gaetane Le Provost: Relations plantes-criquets en milieu agricole: étude de l'abondance des criquets par une approche "traits fonctionnels"
Klervi Tocze: Aspects temporels de la structuration des communautés adventices
Master student (M2) project presentations 

01 March
Speaker: Ronan Marrec
Title: Scale-dependant influences on ground beetle Poecilus cupreus populations in an agricultural landscape

08 March
Speaker: Vincent Tolon & Reunion echange
Title: Spatial depletion models highlight distribution rules of foraging sea ducks

15 March
Speaker: Adriana Iglesias
Title: Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Procellariidae family

21 March @ 11:30 (note change of day!)

Speaker: Laura Henckel
Title: Les processus structurant les communautés de passereaux dans les agro-écosystèmes, part des facteurs stochastiques, de l'environnement et des interactions biotiques

Laura Henckel & Paul Miguet
Title: Landscape selection method minimizing the correlation between landscape factors. Implementation in a mid-western France farmland

22 March
2 Invited Speakers! (note change of time and venue - Salle seminaire)
14:00 Dr. Johan Kotze
(University of Helsinki, Finland)
Title: Influence of edge effects between urban and forest areas on carabid beetle communities

15:00 Dr. Eric Petit
(UMR Ecobio, University of Rennes, France)
Title: Distances de dispersion: patrons, causes possibles, et quelques conséquences

29 March
11:00 (Salle seminaire!)
Invited Speaker: Dr. David Bohan
(UMR 1347 Agroécologie, Pôle Ecologie des Communautés et Durabilité de Systèmes Agricoles, 
INRA Dijon, France)
Title: Learning trophic networks : apprehending patterns and generalities from real data

15:30 -- Speaker: Lindy Mary Corredores Hurtado
Title: Bees and their landscape: mapping the distribution of floral resources in agricultural landscapes and their use by wild bees
(M2 project presentation)

05 April
Speaker: Nicolas Gross & Reunion echange
Title: Musings on community ecology by a lonely plant ecologist stuck in the forest of Chizé: Can we infer process from pattern?

12 April: No seminars this week!

19 April
Speaker: Pierrick Devoucoux
Title: From habitat use to habitat selection: which key factors drive breeding little bustard distribution in a high density context in Southern France

26 April: No talks this week!


03 May
Speakers: Gaetane Le ProvostKlervi Tocze; Aurélie Dupeyron
11:00 - 12:30 Salle Ragondin
(Master student project presentations)

10 May -- No talks this week.

17 May
Speaker: Remi Perrone
(Pôle GEAPSI, UMR Agroecologie, INRA Dijon, France)
Title: Structuration fonctionnelle des communautés adventices en grandes cultures
11:30 - 12:30

24 May
Speaker: Pascal Monestiez
Title: Modèles statistiques pour données issues des sciences participatives
11:30 Salle seminaire
followed by Reunion echange

31 May
Invited Speaker: Prof. James Bullock  
(Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK)
Note change of time & room: 11:00 Salle seminair 
Title: Managing and restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes

07 June
Invited Speaker: Prof. Arpat Ozgul 
(Institute of Evolutionary Biology & Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Title: Coupled dynamics of traits and populations in response to environmental change
Note change of time & room: 11:00 Salle seminair

Graduate Student presentation: Ronan Marrec
Title: Dynamique d’occupation des habitats par un Coléoptère carabique dominant des paysages agricoles d’ouest de la France : Poecilus cupreus
14:00 Salle Ragondin

14 June  
Master student presentation: Gaetane Le Provost
11:30 Salle Ragondin

21 June
Sylvie Houte & Reunion echange
Title: TBA
10:00 - 11:00 Salle Ragondin

Invited Speaker: Dr. Yann Clough
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Göttingen (D)
Title: Biodiversity in smallholder cacao:  biological conservation and ecosystem services 
11:00 - 12:00 Salle seminaire

28 June
Speakers: Lindy Mary Corredores Hurtado; Yoanna
Master student projects -- final presentations

1 comment:

  1. Some speaker-dates combinations liable to change, hence watch out this space (and the weekly anouncements)!
